by DJ Nowak, SM Stein, PB Randler, EJ Greenfield, SJ Comas, MA Carr, RJ Alig

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA


This report is one of several produced as part of the Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment and Forests on the Edge project. It provides a basic overview of the state of America’s urban forests, the ecosystem services those trees are providing, challenges facing the urban forest (e.g., pests and disease, wildfire, invasive species, development, climate change), and management-related issues. Urban tree cover, including county-scale comparisons and reasons for regional differences, is covered in some depth. Software tools and research resources are presented. An appendix provides interesting statistics on urban lands in the U.S.

Region: United States
Publication Type: Technical report
Keywords: ecosystem services, review, software, tree canopy cover, urban forest management, and urban forestry