by DJ Nowak, RE Hoehn III, DE Crane, L Weller, A Davila
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA
2011An analysis of Los Angeles’ urban forest was done using i-Tree Eco software (formerly known as UFORE) and its standard data collection procedures. A stratified (by land use) random sample of 348 0.1-acre plots across the city of Los Angeles was selected. Collected field data included ground, tree, and shrub cover; a number of tree attributes; and distance and direction to nearest buildings. I-Tree Eco extrapolates these data to the city as a whole. The report presents an in-depth look at the results, including characteristics of the urban forest, quantification of ecosystem services (air pollutant removal, carbon sequestration, energy conservation), and pest and disease threats. Appendix tables include a list of species, comparison with other urban forests, general recommendations for improving air quality with trees, and a map highlighting suggested planting hotspots.