by Brown and Caldwell

Leadership Committee of Greater Los Angeles County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, Los Angeles, CA


This document is one of a series of technical memoranda that provide a foundation for the development of Los Angeles County’s Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP). Here the focus is on the relationship of LA County’s open space to water management. The introduction covers the existing conditions of the region in terms of ecosystem type. In the second section, issues (e.g., poor function and habitat in water channels, recreation conflicts), constraints (e.g., altered hydrology, invasive species), and regional opportunties relevant to water and open space are discussed. The third section outlines quantifiable objectives for wetlands, riparian areas, and open space and recreation. In the final section, strategies for restoring ecosystems, protecting and improving habitat, providing recreation opportunities, and improving wetlands are described.

Region: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Type: Technical report
Keywords: governance, Los Angeles, open space, planning, recreation, stormwater management, water, and watersheds