by EG McPherson, NS van Doorn, PJ Peper

Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-253. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA

This report takes information on urban tree growth to develop predictive models that are used to calculate the effects of trees on the environment and human well-being. For example, the maximum tree size and other growth data are used by urban forest managers, landscape architects, and planners to select trees most suitable to the amount of growing space available. This approach prevents future conflicts between trees and infrastructure. To put this insight into practical use, the authors relied on key measurements (bole and crown size, location, and age) collected over 14 years on 14 thousand trees in 17 U.S. cities. From that Urban Tree Database (UTD) 171 distinct species were identified, and 365 sets of tree growth equations were developed. The report also notes that the value of the UTD can be expanded with new information on site conditions (e.g., soil type, microclimate, amount of growing space) and management practices (e.g., pruning dose, irrigation regime). With such information, analysts can better predict the effects of practices on tree growth and the services their trees provide.
Region: United States
Publication Type: Technical report
Keywords: allometric equations, carbon sequestration, tree growth, and urban forestry