by DS Cooper

Los Angeles Community Garden Council, Los Angeles, CA


The Stanford-Avalon Community Garden is a 3-km-long, 30-m-wide stretch of gardening plots in the South Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts. It is bisected in numerous places, including by the I-105 freeway, the Imperial Highway, and a railroad right of way. This study surveyed the garden for birds and other wildlife. Twenty-five native bird species (including two that are highly sought after by birders around the world and one raptor), seven butterfly species, and one native mammal (Botta’s pocket-gopher, Thomomys bottae) were found. Descriptions of nearby historical conditions are presented for reference, and modest suggestions for improving the ecosystem health are described.

Region: Watts, Los Angeles, California
Publication Type: Technical report
Keywords: community gardens, contact with nature, fauna, gardens, habitat, Los Angeles, urban nature, and wildlife